Nuestras Revistas


  • Science and Interculturality

    The Science and Interculturality Magazine is a journal for inter - scientific and intercultural dialog of the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast (URACCAN). ISSN: Printed Version: 1997 – 9231. Online Version: 2223 – 6260. It has a semiannual periodicity. The first issue is from January to June and is published on July 1st and the second number, from July to December, is published on January 1st. The objective of Science and Interculturality is to share and disseminate knowledge, knowings and practices through unpublished articles and critical review, which contribute to various areas of knowledge, with emphasis on issues related to interculturality, and specifically from a perspective of multidisciplinarity in education; Linguistic and Cultural Revitalization; Intercultural Health, Gender and Interculturality; Social Sciences; Humanities; Natural Resources and Environment; Engineering and Technology; Farming; and Indigenous and Afro-descendant Culture.

  • University Journal of the Caribbean

    The objective of the University Journal of the Caribbean is to share and disseminate scientific article publications, bibliographic review articles, essays, summary reports of events and project results, inaugural lectures and lectures, as well as stories and legends, poetry, ceramic painting, gastronomy and culinary art that contribute knowledge, knowledge and practices in the themes: Higher Education; Intercultural Health; Environment and Natural Resources; Farming; Gender and Interculturality; History, Culture, Autonomy and Education of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast. Its periodicity is semi-annual (July and December). The target audience of this publication is constituted by the national community of researchers, students, undergraduate and graduate degrees, and all the public that is interested in the multidisciplinary areas in which the magazine disseminates and shares knowledge, knowledge and practices.

  • Electronic Journal of Knowledge, Knowledge and Practices

    Revista de carácter científico que comparte y disemina conocimientos saberes y prácticas en el ámbito de la Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Artes y Matemátics. La Revista Electrónica de Conocimientos, Saberes y Prácticas es una publicación en versión digital con ISSN-e: 2616-8294, edita por la Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense (URACCAN) con aparición semestral (junio y diciembre) a partir del año 2018. La RECSP está indexada en: El Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe y Portugal(Latindex); Directory Open Access Journals (DOAJ); Directory Academic and Scientific Journals (EUROPUB); Directory Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD); Central American Journals Online (CAMJOL); Google Scholar (Google Académico); Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (REDIB); ScienceOpen (Research publishing network); Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE); y CROSSREF.


  • URACCAN al día

    URACCAN al día es una revista de la Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense, que tiene como objetivo diseminar la gestión intercultural de la Universidad. Además, eventos nacionales e internacionales donde participa la URACCAN, con la finalidad de promover el diálogo de saberes y haceres para el fortalecimiento del ejercicio de la Autonomía universitaria.